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EPP Finals Great Success!

November 28, 2018

Environmental Placement Programme Final 2018

Our sister company Bright Green Business held the final of their Environmental Placement Programme last week at the Scottish Parliament. The programme places students and graduates into real businesses. Their aim is to improve resource efficiency and environmental management practises. The finalists were:

Aoife Hutton from the 2050 Climate Group
Chiara Aquino from Edinburgh University
Erin Wood from The Scottish Government
Constanza Moreno-Sanchez Ornelas  from North Edinburgh Arts
ClĂ©ment McGeown who works at University of Strathclyde in conjunction with Cycling Scotland

Congratulations to the winner Chiara Aquino who impressed the judges with her presentation about all her achievements with the University of Edinburgh.

To take part in the Environmental Placement Programme next year, get in touch with Bright Green Business.

We help demonstrate the role the energy efficiency, renewables & hydrogen play in reducing the impact of climate change and securing the world's future energy supply.
